Thursday, December 29, 2005


First off, I just got home from a great trip--starting with a cruise out of Galveston and ending with an ALAMO BOWL win.

Here are a few things I learned.

1. Everywhere you go, there is one team that people like to make fun of. In Belize that team is Kansas State.
2. Michigan didn't waste their timeouts to get plays review. They CHOOSE to use them that way, and the system that requires them to do this is the Big 10 replay system. I am so sorry that Michigan was forced to play under such a terrible system.
3. The people you least want to see topless are the most likely to go topless.
4. Why on earth does NU has flag girls in the band that weigh north of 180? If the kid weighs that much, make them carry a tuba or something that puts them in a uniform fit for public viewing.
5. Sunbelt refs have no business in the Alamo Bowl. If you want to reward them, send them to a Div. II playoff game.
6. Lloyd Carr is right about the playoff system--hotel rooms sold should not be a factor in determining the post season rewards for college football players.
7. NU fans vs Mich fans? About 20:1.
8. Does anyone think Michigan could of scored again if they had another shot at the final play.
9. Why would anyone care about what ESPN says about the game.
10. What will the Pederson haters say now?


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